
Unladylike (Pirate! Hetalia x Modern! Reader)

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Alfredosauce50's avatar

Literature Text

Unladylike (Pirate! Hetalia x Modern! Reader


The blazing sun beat down its hot rays over the large mob of students on the beach. You were one of them, and you did not like it at all. The teachers were apparently waiting for the clock to strike eleven, just like what the schedule had said for you all to arrive. Who knew that there would be no traffic at all that the bus arrived so early at the beach? Everyone. Who would be stupid enough to go to the beach in soaring temperatures like this?

You were surrounded by your friends whose body heat were mingling together with surrounding bodies like hot rocks. The black lensed sunglasses resting on your head were flicked over your eyes to hide the sun's awful midday glare. Your clothes stuck to your skin like paper mache, the sweat seeming to never stop exiting your pores. 

"Oh my god. What time is it?" you moaned, your friend next to you shrugging in response. 

"I dunno. I think it's nearly eleven." she replied, not bothered to take out her phone that was buried in her shoulder bag. 

"I'm going to get heatstroke, lol." you snickered sarcastically. "That way I can get away from this goddamn heat." 

She flickered her intrigued eyes over to you and her lips curled into a lazy grin. 

"Hah, if you are, I might as well get one too," she replied.  

You both then sparked up some idle chatter despite the weather making the surroundings feel like an open oven. It soon striked eleven, and all the students lit up and cheered in a half-dead manner. 

"Whoop whoop, let's go explore!" you cheered, pumping your fists into the air. 
"Right back at ya!" a friend piped in. 

The whole grade dissolved into their own friendship groups and all part ways to places of their desire. However, your friends and you being the childish yet curious group decided to go and explore the tempting cave sitting mysteriously at the end of the shoreline. 

According to locals, anyone who dared to venture in deep enough wouldn't make it back out. Who knows what happened to them in there - whatever it was they didn't live to tell the tale. There was also a legend that followed about the cave, or rather cave Tempest- if you were unlucky enough to bring yourself through the right combination of tunnels, you would end up somewhere where phsyics didn't exist, meaning that time wouldn't even be running correctly. 

You walked across the beige white sand to the almight cave on the very end, your feet sinking into the soft sand at every step. As you admired the crashing waves in the far distant sea, you eventually made it to the cave. You all had to stand back and admire the large gaping hole that lead to the unknown. It was pitch black inside, too dark to be even believable to be real. The rugged walls of the cave disappeared just metres within, even the bright day wasn't able to shine on and illuminate any further inside. 

"Damn!" you exclaimed, your gaze focused on the darkness. 

"This thing's gotta be deep as hell," a friend added. 

You nodded slowly, still amazed at the huge cave. Whipping your head over to your just as surprised friends, you gestured them to follow you inside. It only took one friend to join you for the others to as well. It's called peer pressure. 

*Time skip* 

Your feet grew sore from continuously walking inside the dark tunnel, your friend's phone flashlight guiding you all safely to not trip over the uneven ground. So far, you guys have had to make a lot of decisions on which tunnel to enter, so far four. Being the simple minded teens you were, you just chose the tunnels that looked most appealing. What qualified them as appealing, you say? It was whether the tunnel's walls were imperfected with cracks that emitted a mysterious golden glow. 

You darted your eyes around, taking note of every detail that stood out to you. You were so focused on the walls around you that you forgot about the floor.
Which had a huge hole in it. 

Large enough to swallow you whole. 

Unfortunately for you, you were on the far right where the hole had been, and you were the only one to fall victim to the inconspicious gap in the floor. You plummeted down the hole and you let out a loud screech, but that quickly faded into silence as you had fallen away too fast. 

"Hey, did you hear that?"

"Huh? Probably just a bat or something." 

Back to you~

Your heart raced and your eyes were enlarged in fright, unable to stop yourself from sliding down the small tunnel to the unknown. You were only able to wave your hands around and let out strings of colourful words to relieve your current state of panic. 

"Oh my god, fuck, fuck fuck! I'm going to fucking die!" you screamed, your panic filled voice echoing throughout the small tunnel. You seemed to be travelling down a wormhole, since everything was pitch black and you had already lost your sense of direction from all the loops and swirls. As if you were blindfolded on an extreme rollercoaster, you could only wait for your body to stop moving by itself. You were taught that if you ever fell into a whole heap of snow and lost your sense of up and down, you would spit out saliva and see where that dribbled down. You could totally try that if you weren't zooming down as fast as light could travel. 

"Aaaghh!" you hollered, your voice echoing loudly throughout the vast extent of the tunnel.

You continued to slide in darkness until a small light appeared at the end of the tunnel. You widened your eyes and grinned, all the fear that was painted over your face draining away into happiness and relief. 
"Phew. Wasn't going to die afterall," you chuckled dryly, watching the dot of light grow larger and brighter.

Soon, you were able to make out where the exit led to, just more sand and beach. Tucking your knees together and wrapping your arms around them together tightly in a tucksit, you prepared to roll onto the soft sand safely. You shut your eyes tightly and felt yourself fly out of the tunnel like a cannonball, eventually hitting the ground harshly and rolling forward from the momentum. 

Once you had confirmed that everything stopped spinning besides your head, you fluttered your eyes open, allowing your vision to grow accustomed to wherever you were. Your eyeballs stopped spinning and fixated on the long beach stretching along the rolling waves of the ocean. Eyebrows furrowing in realisation, you stumbled on your feet and whipped your head right and left, giving everything a thorough examination. 

It was definitely a beach, but strange thing was that it looked exactly the same as the beach you had just been walking on. You kept on telling yourself that it was impossible for them to be the same thing, but everything just looked too exact. How could you have ended up in the same place after sliding for that long?

You grunted in frustration that you couldn't add these facts up and decided to go and look around the strange location. Patting and dusting away the sand that had thinly coated your clothes and backpack, you started walking down the beach. While you did so, you couldn't help but ask yourself why you had noticed the sudden change of air to the beach. 

The pleasant salt smell of the water still floated around the air, but it smelt much more dominant and as you inhaled it through your nostrils, you sensed absolutely no human interaction and activity. You rolled your head upwards and let a smile consume your features from the beautiful sky of light blue, the fluffy clouds appearing soft and touchable like cotton balls. 

Tearing away your gaze from the sky, you tried to find some kind of civilisation so you could ask for help to find your school. You glanced over to your left to find a town full of life, bustling with people and lively as it could ever be. A wave of relief washed over you, but that was short lived as you were trumped by the appearance of the people and the town. 

Eyes widened into saucers, you let out a soft gasp at the way everyone dressed and how old fashioned everything looked. Bringing a hand to your eyes and rubbing them, you looked down at your unzipped hoody then back at the long elegant Victorian styled dresses a few women were dressed in. 

"Wow... These people high?" You grumbled, inching closer and closer to the long wooden pier that reached into the waters for ships to dock.

At the entrance to the pier, the wharves were filled with fisherman walking around with their hefty equipment most likely for fishing... But what was with those long sticks? Were they supposed to be fishing rods?

Millions of thoughts and theories swarmed your brain and overwhelmed you. 

"Is this like a secret civilisation that never got to become friends with anyone resulting in lack of development?" 

"I feel like an outsider." 

"How come all the women that dress nicely emit a bitchy aura?"

"The poverty line is way too fucked up. One person is dressed in a red carpet satin gown and someone else is wearing a potato sack." 

"I feel so left out."

And of course, "Where the flying fuck is this place?" 

You frowned, none of your questions being answered. You could only step in and ask someone for help.

You inhaled sharply and daringly walked up to a buff looking man in his middle ages, his large grubby fingers wrapped around a huge cigar.

You coughed to gain his attention, where he glanced over to you in a disapproving look.

Eying you up and down, he pulled the cigar out of his mouth. 

"What yer look'n for, missy?" He asked you, his gruff voice catching you off guard and making you flinch.

"O-oh! Um... I was wondering where this place is," you replied, your voice trembling as you felt his eyes boring into you body. His brows grew uneven and he hissed out a laugh that sounded half like a pig's squeal.

"Heh, had too much too drink, eh? You be in Cape town, right under the cap'tal." He bellowed, taking in his cigar for a long suck.

You lowered your lids for a second before opening them up into a dumbfounded look. 

"We're in Cape... Town?" You asked him, your nostrils flaring up in confusion.

The man pounded his chest violently and let out a short series of coughs before nodding.

"Tis' right. You don't happen to be lost, are ye?" He responded, bending over to stare down at you.

You waved him off with a "pssht" before thanking him.

He shrugged and left, giving you some alone time to start breaking down into a panic attack. 

"What the hell is this place? And Cape Town? Where the fuck is that?" You whispered through gritted teeth. Returning your narrowed frustrated eyes to the town, your pursed your lips and let yourself calm down. You glanced at random strangers walking and loitering around on the streets, the more you looked the more confused you were. You lifted your head and lingered your eyes curiously over the elegant structures that stood almighty overlooking the run-down fishing docks. High and appearing as they touched the sky, the huge palaces sparkled under the light of the sun. According to basic knowledge you had acquired from History, those castles were definitely housing some rich royal kings and queens. 

Wrapping a hand over your nose and mouth, you took a deep breath and managed to slow your heart beat to its normal resting state. 

"I think I might as well explore this place while I can then..." you muttered under your breath, shakily lifting your leg to take a step further to the civilisation. Your 'stroll in the park' was abruptly brought to a halt when a loud, fearful shout rocketed through your body. Throwing your hands up in a defensive stance, you swiveled yourself to the source of the alarming sound to find tens of people running for their lives. You lowered your arms and stood their straight, your head slowly tilting to its side as you watched everyone scram from the wharves. Unsure of what they were so frightened about, you turned yourself to face a large, polished wooden ship that nearly crashed and demolished the small pier when it attempted to slow.

The crew aboard the ship hurled down ropes to secure the floating vessel, most of them jeering at the scene that they had just caused. The clinks and jingling of a chain was heard, followed by a heavy splash that was caused by an anchor. 

The ship was among the most elegant things you have ever laid your eyes on, easily beating the majestic castles that sat high up from the small fishing town. A beautiful painted carving of a mermaid poked out of the ship's front, her arms tied to the long portuding pole like she was held captive. Nets made of brown ropes in a tiled pattern served as ladders stretching from the deck to the look outs swayed in the light breeze, the stained white sails doing the same in the matching rhythm. A word was printed in an elegant running writing font on the side, spelling out "Tempest". 

As you stood there paralyzed from head to toe in admiration and awe, you didn't notice the burly bodies rushing down the wooden planks they slid out to join the deck to the town's wharf. Charging down like enraged bulls, they whipped out sharp and shiny swords and swayed them around dangerously. It was the flickering of the reflected sunlight on the metallic objects that had snapped you out of your daze. Blinking furiously to get your vision back, you had just only realized the situation you had managed to stumble into. 

"Bloody- what the fuck do they think they're doing?" you hissed under your breath, leaning forward into a slump and shuffling away into a nearby alleyway. Travelling in stealth and speed, you moved into the alleyway that was shadowed away from sight. Peering over the wall, you watched carefully at the intruders that had just started to separate into ones and burst through doors of unlucky stores and homes. The men that originated from the sea vessel were omnipotent, raiding every establishment within a one mile radius. Pupils dilating in fright, you slapped a hand over your mouth to silence your uneven ragged breaths that came out all wheazy. 

High pitched screams pierced your ears, making you gasp and shut your eyes tightly. You clutched onto the strap of your backpack for reassurance, your hands moist and clammy wrinkling the fabric.

Once all the screams and bloody slashes had died down to silence, your cracked open your eyes in hesitation. You shakily gripped the corner of the two intersected walls and peered around the wharf, wide, fearful eyes darting around at any sound made. Once you had convinced yourself that they had left and returned to their monster of a ship, you stepped out slowly. 

"Well then. That was scary." you laughed sheepishly to yourself, resting your hands on your hips. "Ain't I glad that was over," you mumbled. 

A low chuckle came from behind you, interrupting your moment of glory. Twisting yourself over to the voice, you nearly shit yourself at the figure that stared down at you patronizingly. His emerald eyes glimmered in amusement as he smirked in triumph, a tinge of mischief swirling in his mesmerising orbs hinting that his charming appearance didn't say everything about him. Folding his arms together, he eyed you up and down with a wide smirk plastered on his face. 

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" he started, a mocking tone lacing his words. Still locking his mysterious eyes on you, you flinched and took a step back, an arm raised in front of you. 

"U-um." you stuttered, stuck between the two options 'fuck right off' and 'none of your business'. Flickering your eyes over to him, you took a notice of his bright red robes laced with gold stitchings and cravat worn around his neck. A three-pointed black hat sat snug on his head, an oversized fluff of feather hanging down over the side. Suggesting that he was of a high ranking due to his expensive attire and pride that radiated off of him in resonating waves, you chose the latter option. 

"N-none of your business?" you squeaked, your voice wavering slightly. 

He cocked one of his huge eyebrows and scoffed at your response. 

"You dare avoid a question I asked?" he snarled, putting emphasis on 'I'. Speaking to you like he was a god, it was your turn to shoot him a look of bewilderment. He took a step toward you, resulting in looming his much taller self over you. Tilting up your chin with his gloved fingers, he stared down at you with curiosity. 

"You have some guts, don't you think? Tell me. Do you even know who I am?" he whispered to you. You attempted to shake your head, but his grip on your chin prevented you from going no further than a weak flinch. 

"Uh... Captain Cook?" you squeaked. 

He clicked his tongue and brushed a few stray hairs away from your face. "Not quite." he muttered. 

"Then... C-captain Jack Sparrow?" you stuttered, immediately slapping yourself in the mind from your useless defence mechanism you called sass. He furrowed his brows and glowered at you. 

"Wrong again. Who the hell is Jack Sparrow?" he spat, much to your disbelief.

There was definitely something wrong with this man... Who the hell goes full out and dresses up like a pirate and yet holds no knowledge for the legendary Jack Sparrow? 

You continued to stare at him wordlessly. 

"I-I... Uh..." you whispered, glancing down at the ground. 

"I'm losing my patience. You know what? I'll tell you." he sighed. He released you from his grip and narrowed his eyes into a seductive gaze. Boring his beautiful green eyes into yours, his lips curled into a cocky smirk. 

"I am Arthur Kirkland- the most infamous captain to ever sail the seven seas." 

"Hold the fuck up." You thought, doing a double take. 

Thoughts raced in your head as you stood there, dumbfounded.

"When was the last time pirates were actually pirates? Like with weird hats? Definitely not in the 21st century."

"And... Like seriously, Jack freaking Sparrow? This idiot doesn't know who he is? Even when he walks around wearing all that crap?"

Unless of course Jack Sparrow didn't exist.

At least not in this time period you wound yourself up in.
I couldn't stop imagining how cool and funny it'd be to have a modern person travel back in time and bring in her modern culture. That's why I came up with this even though there have been already tonnes of these... Oh well. I hope you enjoyed this! I'm REALLY excited to write more chapters on this, especially when reader gets caught doing somthing s(pectacular)trange. I want to write one scene where reader starts dabbing like crazy XD 

Hetalia (c) :iconhimaruyaplz:
You (c) Hetalia boys ;)

Image used:… All credits go to the artist.
© 2017 - 2024 Alfredosauce50
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Cricketina's avatar
please make a part 2~~